Wisdom teeth extraction and smoking after
Wisdom teeth usually emerge in early adulthood and are the last of the adult teeth to emerge. They are the molars that are farthest back in your mouth, and they come in on the top and bottom rows of teeth. In most cases, people don’t have enough room for wisdom teeth in their mouths, which can cause a host of issues and challenges. If your dentist discovers that your mouth can’t accommodate your wisdom teeth, the dentist will commonly recommend surgery to remove them. This wisdom tooth extraction in valparaiso procedure is very common. Recovery generally takes up to a week but may take longer if your wisdom teeth haven’t yet begun to emerge from the gums and are not yet visible.
In an outpatient surgery, such as wisdom teeth extraction, the patient enters and leaves the surgery center on the same day as the procedure. Depending on the type of anesthesia you and your dental surgeon elect to use, you may be relocated from the dental chair to a recovery room, or you may remain in the dental chair throughout the entire procedure. Your dentist will explain to you in advance what type of anesthesia you will experience, and any advance preparation you may need will be explained to you.
Once you wake up from the anesthesia, you may find some pain and swelling in your mouth. This is normal. Your dentist will talk to you about painkilling medications, and you may receive a prescription. It is safe to use an ice pack on painful areas promptly after surgery. Once you feel ready, you may go home. After anesthesia, it is always recommended that you have a ride home; in some cases, it may be mandatory. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, and caffeine after surgery, and eat only soft foods that don’t irritate the surgery sites. Complications may also arise if you drink beverages through a straw shortly after surgery. In most cases, the recovery period for wisdom teeth surgery is brief, usually about three to four days. Depending on the complexity of your procedure, recovery may take up to a week.
Although you will feel back to normal within a week, it will take longer for the surgical wound in your mouth to completely heal. This means that infections may still develop for several weeks after surgery. Your mouth needs time to heal, so be cautious when performing any activity that could affect the healing process, loosening or tearing your stitches or injuring the gum tissue. Resume normal activities, but avoid smoking, spitting, drinking straws, and strenuous activities for as long as possible, until healing is complete. You may experience swelling or bleeding after your wisdom teeth surgery. This is normal, but call your dentist promptly if you are in pain or suffering. It is important to call your dentist if you experience trouble swallowing or breathing, fever, numbness, increased swelling, or excessive bleeding, or if the medication you received is ineffective. These symptoms may indicate infection or a larger problem. Within a week of the surgery, you can expect to be pain-free.
After your wisdom teeth surgery, it is imperative that you follow your dentist or surgeon’s instructions on cleaning and caring for your mouth, to prevent any complications. You may be instructed to avoid brushing or flossing immediately after the surgery; this is okay. Usually, it is sufficient to keep the wound clean by rinsing and gargling with salt water. Avoid using force when releasing the water from your mouth, to prevent injury to the surgery site; instead of spitting, bend over the sink and let the water fall from your mouth. Use gauze to softly dab up and excess blood. After a couple of days, you can resume normal oral care, but be very careful around the surgery site. The stitches and tissue are sensitive, and they are an integral part of healing. If you do disturb the stitches or the blood clot that is forming over the surgery site, your pain will increase, as will the likelihood of infections. When the blood clot that protects a wisdom teeth surgery site is disrupted and an infection arises, this is called a “dry socket.” Anything that might disturb the healing process, especially movements involving forceful sucking or blowing, like smoking, spitting, or using a straw, should be avoided in order to prevent painful and annoying dry sockets. You may also be prescribed a course of antibiotics, as an added step to prevent infection. Be sure to complete the entire course of medication, taking all of the pills. Use an ice pack and medication, either prescription or overt-the-counter, to manage pain post-surgery.
Shortly after the surgery, you will probably not feel like chewing much, and you shouldn’t chew anyway, as this might disturb the surgery site. Stick to soft foods, like pudding or applesauce, for a few days after the surgery. Try to avoid eating anything too hot, so you don’t burn your surgery site, and don’t eat small seeds that might get stuck in the wound. You’ll know when you’re ready to eat more substantial foods.
More on Wisdom Tooth Extraction : What to Eat After Wisdom Tooth Removal