What is a Simple Extraction?
If you are told that you have to have a tooth extracted, this could make you nervous. But don’t worry, this is generally a simple procedure that is very short and usually has a quick recovery time. A simple extraction is when a tooth is removed from the dental socket in your mouth; in layman’s terms, a tooth extraction is just pulling a tooth. A simple extraction is characterized by it being a simpler procedure that doesn’t require surgery in order to remove the whole tooth. Simple extractions are done when the tooth is not broken and can come out at the root with relative ease in a dental office. Many extractions are simple extractions, and they are quite common in dentistry.
Why might I need a simple extraction?
In general, our aim is to help you keep your teeth healthy and for as long as possible. However, there are cases in which this is not always possible. There are many reasons why you might need a tooth extraction. These include:
- Trauma to the mouth in which the tooth or its root has been fractured
- The tooth is very damaged, which can make it impossible to restore. This could be because of extreme decay, cavities, or infection
- Advanced periodontal (gum) disease that is causing the teeth to become loose
- Mouth crowding: if there is not enough space in your mouth for all your teeth, the dentist might recommend a simple extraction (even if the teeth are healthy)
What makes an extraction “Simple”
A simple extraction means that the dentist can remove the tooth at the root simply by loosening the tooth through a series of small procedures, and pulling it out with forceps, without the need for any extra bone removal or a surgery of the gums in order to remove the whole tooth. This is the quickest and least complicated type of dental extraction.
When is a simple extraction indicated?
Generally speaking, even a simple extraction is a last resort for your dentist to maintain the health of your mouth and smile. Your dentist most likely will try other methods to save the tooth, including a filling, root canal, dental crown or other methods. If your mouth does not have enough room for all your teeth, the extraction might be inevitable, even after orthodontics.
What are the steps to simple extraction?
- Cleaning the extraction site.
- Application of anesthesia to the tooth area.
- Use of hand lever to release tooth from bone.
- Use of tools such as forceps or a drill when removing the tooth.
- Suture, when necessary.
Will my mouth recover from an extraction?
An extraction is a generally easy process. Once the tooth is removed, your dentist will give you aftercare instructions that you must follow closely in order to make sure there are no complications from the procedure. You will have to follow these instructions for the time indicated by the dentist.
In conclusion
A simple dental extraction is a quick and relatively painless procedure in which your dentist will remove your tooth from the tooth socket. There are several quick steps to a simple extraction and recovery is usually quick as long as you follow the instructions for aftercare. Reach out to us today if you have any tooth issues that you feel might require an extraction, and we will diagnose and take care of your problems!