Stop Teeth from Wearing Down

You have recently noticed that your teeth are wearing down. They look shorter, or you see that the edges of your teeth, now worn down, look discolored and darker. Why is this happening?

Common Causes of Teeth Wearing Down

There are four kinds of tooth erosion:

* Friction- This happens when you bite your teeth together or grind your teeth, day, or night.

* Tooth stress- Extreme stress on your teeth causes them to flex slightly and will lead to the weakening of any areas prone to erosion.

* Wear and tear- This is from abuse, such as opening things with your teeth or by aggressive brushing.

* Chemical attack- This can come from acids in your diet or medications, or from inside your body, like acid reflux.

Tooth Erosion from Friction or Teeth Grinding

Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding. Bruxism happens with stress or malocclusion. If your upper and lower teeth do not meet properly when biting, the jaw muscles will overcompensate. This will wear down points of your teeth. Your dentist can evaluate the alignment, the occlusion, and correct your teeth so they do not wear down in unnecessary places.

How to Stop Teeth Grinding

The objective behind stopping teeth grinding is to get your jaw muscles to relax. Try placing the tip of your tongue between your teeth during the day if you are grinding.

It is difficult to control grinding at night while you sleep. Your dentist can create a clear plastic night guard which fits over an arch so your teeth will not meet, stopping the grinding. Wearing a splint at night will help ensure you wake up without a headache and without having ground your teeth.

Teeth Wearing Down from Wear and Tear

If you use your teeth as a tool, you can damage them. Your teeth are there to bite, chew, and eat. They are not designed to bite through plastic packages or open bottles. Avoid this bad habit.

Tooth erosion can be the result of poor oral hygiene habits. Aggressive brushing will cause your teeth to wear, which happens on the cheek side, along the gums, where the enamel is thinner. As the enamel thins it exposes the dentine, or next layer. When this is exposed the erosion increases. This type of erosion will lead to the discoloration of your teeth. To correct this erosion, use a softer bristle toothbrush.

Teeth Wearing Down from Acid Erosion

* External acid erosion- This is when the source of the acid is from eating a highly acidic diet, such as fizzy drinks, citrus fruit, and sweets.
It is healthy to eat these fruits in moderation. If you enjoy fruit juices or fizzy drinks, then try using a straw to keep the acids away from your teeth.

* Internal acid erosion- Acid erosion from inside your body is evident by teeth wearing down on the tongue side of your teeth. Acid reflux from your stomach will wear away the enamel. Find a way to control your acid reflux to stop this erosion.

Consistent exams with your dentist give them the opportunity to identify early warning signs of teeth wearing down and then provide an appropriate solution.

Can Worn Down Teeth Be Fixed