Permanent Tooth Feels Loose
After we lose of our baby teeth, our adult teeth are expected to last us for the rest of our lives. That is asking a lot, given the amount of work and abuse that our teeth withstand daily. Basically, our molars and incisors are up for the challenge.
Even with solid oral hygiene practices and consistent dental check-ups, an adult tooth can become loose. Do you a permanent tooth that feels loose? This can be a sign of a more some serious dental problem that you should address as soon as possible. By neglecting this symptom, it could result in losing your tooth.
Why Do My Permanent Teeth Feel Loose?
There are different causes for a loose adult tooth, and the correct treatment will depend on the cause. If you suffered an injury or a fall, the tooth might have been dislodged from its socket, requiring oral surgery to splint it back into place. The injury should heal after a while and return the tooth to its normal function.
A loose tooth not brought about from an injury can be a sign of a deeper problem, such as advanced stage of gum disease. This is the case for loose teeth that are accompanied by swollen or bleeding gums, painful gums, or persistent bad breath.
How Long Will a Loose Tooth Take to Heal?
Avoiding a dental visit will only allow the problem to worsen. Only your dentist can determine what caused your tooth to become loose, and you should make your dental appointment right away. The healing time will depend on the cause and the treatment.
One treatment plan for a loose tooth is with tooth splinting. Your dentist will attach a splint or stabilizer to the backside of your loose tooth then connect it to the strong teeth near it. This splint will help your ligaments recover and the loose tooth to strengthen. This process usually takes a few weeks.
The next treatment option is to use a night guard. This mouth guard is if you grind or clench your teeth and is worn while sleeping. If you grind your teeth at night, you put a strain on your teeth, gums, and overall mouth. By using a mouth guard at night, you should notice a difference within a few weeks.
If gum disease caused your loose tooth, there is a treatment for that. This is a more serious condition that requires prompt treatment. You will need a professional teeth cleaning to remove the source of the infection, the buildup of plaque on your teeth. Once the source is removed the gums will heal naturally.
You Can Prevent Loose Teeth
Your first step to prevent loose permanent teeth is by exercising your daily dental hygiene of brushing twice a day and flossing your teeth. To compliment that, regular checkups and cleanings can also prevent the possibility of loose teeth. If you play sports or are physically active, consider wearing as a mouthguard to protect your teeth from injury.
Be aware of what causes gum disease and proactively take care of your teeth to prevent it. Also know that if you have osteoporosis or diabetes, you are more susceptible to problems with your teeth.