How Long Does Simple Extraction Take to Heal?

Tooth extraction is one of the most common dental procedures that we perform in our office. There are many reasons you might need to have a tooth pulled, but please know that we treat it as a last resort in your care. We will examine all other possibilities to save your tooth before recommending an extraction, even a simple one.

A simple extraction is an extraction where surgery or surgical incision into the gum is not necessary to remove the tooth and no bone tissue is affected. Because this is a relatively non-invasive procedure, it does not take a long time to heal, roughly 7-10 days. The time it takes to heal depends on many factors, which we will discuss below. Please read on for more information.

When do you need a tooth removed?

Tooth extraction is most often performed for very specific reasons. Some of the situations in which the procedure is necessary are:

  • severe tooth decay or infection;
  • serious gum disease that affects tooth tissue and structures;
  • wisdom teeth treatment;
  • teeth that block the growth of other teeth (as can happen with baby teeth);
  • poor dental formation;
  • fractured teeth;
  • preparation for the use of braces or creating space for the movement of other teeth.

How is a simple extraction performed?

A simple extraction starts with X-rays. These X-rays will show the dentist how your tooth is attached to your jawbone and helps them decide their “plant of attack” for removing the tooth. Once that is decided upon, your dentist will apply anesthesia, which will make the procedure painless. Once you confirm that you are fully numb, your dentist will use a special lever to detach your tooth from the bone. In a simple extraction, this happens quickly and easily. Then, forceps are used to pull the whole tooth, including the roots, out from your dental socket. You dentist will then determine if sutures are needed to close the extraction site. You will be sent home with aftercare instructions that must be followed in order for your mouth to heal properly and quickly and with as little pain as possible.

What you do affects healing time

If you follow the aftercare instructions, your extraction site will heal in a little as a 7-10 days. After a tooth extraction, it is important to follow some precautions for a good recovery, such as:

  • Rest: In the first three days, it is recommended to rest as much as possible and keep your head higher than your body for 24 hours.
  • Oral hygiene: To wash the area, use cold water, but do not rinse your mouth for the first 12 hours, as this can cause bleeding and impair healing.
  • Food: Maintain a healthy diet.
  • Medications: Take prescribed medications, such as anti-inflammatories and antibiotics.
  • Avoid physical activities: Avoid tasks that require physical effort.
  • Avoid sun and heat: For the first five days, avoid being exposed to the sun and very hot baths.
  • Avoid drinks and cigarettes: Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol for at least the first 24 hours.

In Conclusion

A simple extraction is a relatively painless and quick procedure. Healing times vary, but in general, if you follow your aftercare instructions, healing will be quick and your smile will be healthier. Contact us if you have questions about a simple extraction!

How Painful is a Simple Extraction?