Double Tooth Implant

When you are missing multiple teeth it may feel overwhelming, but the process of replacing any teeth in your mouth is fairly routine in modern Dentistry. In fact, depending on the strength or health of your gums and jaw, one dental implant can even support multiple teeth.

Before you decide on a Dental implant

Talk with your primary dentist and discuss options for a dental implant team. Your Dentist will be able to tell you about your gum strength, jaw health, and the recommended implants for your mouth. Once you come to a consensus, you will go and research your insurance coverage options, and your Dentist can put together your Dental implant team.

How an Implant will be placed

After consulting with your implant team the process will begin. First you will decide on the implant of choice and background work will be done to prepare you for after the operation. The surgeon will remove the decayed or broken tooth material and place a titanium anchor implant. The anchor will look like a metal screw stuck into the empty space of your gums. Depending on the strength of your gums and how many teeth need to be replaced, multiple anchors may need to be placed. After a couple weeks of healing time, depending on the patient, either a healing cap or temporary tooth will be placed. Once the area has healed enough an abutment and replacement prosthesis can be bonded.

While waiting for your implant area to heal

Be cautious of which foods you eat, and avoid food that is either very hot or very cold. Your health history will somewhat predict how successful your healing process will be, and in some cases may make you a less ideal candidate. Smoking and drinking are both highly inadvisable during the healing process. Stay overly hydrated, as dehydration can dry out your gums and create a painful situation at your implant site. Be cautious but thorough when cleaning the site, and fastidious with your dental hygiene routine to avoid infection.

Dental Implants

As opposed to a fixed-bridge, or removable partial denture, implants will partially replace your roots and strengthen your jaw bones. These implants will be anchored into your jaw through titanium screws and an abutment, they will be resilient and steadfast. Removable partials dentures and fixed-bridges have a higher chance of some sort of failure where they could break or become detached. They are also less affected by gum issues down the road. If your gums recede around a fixed bridge or removable denture, it can become noticeable. Having implants will also limit issues around bridges where the bonding agent strips away and the remaining tooth tissue decays and compromises the root.

No matter which implant option is right for you, make sure to use your dental implant team. They are a great resource for asking all of your questions about cost, materials, healing, pain management, and dental hygiene post implant. The success of your implant will be dependent on your autonomy in the care process, and your trust in the team that assembles to make it happen for you. Once the long healing process is complete you will be looking at your smile a different way.

Dental Implant Teams